Results And Benefits Of FMT Implementation

Listed below are the results and benefits that can be achieved by implementing Flow Management Technology. These results are based on “real life” implementations as experienced by our customers, even after implementing other improvement techniques.

30-60% increase in operating profits

Lead Times
40-80% reduction in Manufacturing and Customer Lead Times

20-50% reduction in Inventory

20-40% reduction through elimination of bottlenecks and “firefighting”

On-Time Deliveries
95-100% across the board for all products

30-50% increase beyond current capacity without capital investment

Customer Service and Quality
Faster response to customer (usually 2-3 fold), higher on-time reliability and consistency, and improved quality

Scheduling and Material Control
Flow Management scheduling and flow control concepts, being universal, can be integrated into any scheduling system (i.e. ERP or custom). The integration gives the current system superior capabilities to support the achievement of the above results, without any software or hardware investment.



“ For better bottom – line performance, you should have a new perspective of your business as a flow mechanism. ”

“ FMT users report that they achieve results of 75% net profit increase, 50% plant throughput boost, and 70% lead- time reduction in a matter of months. ”

“ Our throughput rate on a three-shift operation was around 35 million lb/month; now it's up to 50 million lb/month. We get more out, and more on time." Per the VP and General Manager Commonwealth Aluminum

Paul C. Miller Editor of Metalfax Magazine

“The effectiveness of FMT can be shown in many ways, such as reduced inventory levels, improved cash flow, shorter manufacturing leadtimes, better customer service, and less overtime. But the single most important sign that the system is working is profit generation.”

“FMT produced a 50% reduction in raw-material inventory, reduction in lead times from eight weeks to eight days, an increase in throughput of 142%, and the total elimination of late deliveries. Moreover, FMT is credited with doubling corporate profits in the first year.”
Per The Chairman of North American Products

Robert Eade Contributing Writer, Tooling and Production Magazine

“ In the area of product, throughput has increased by 70 percent without a change in inventory. 205 past-due orders … have been taken down to zero in four months. Further, quality has improved: Customer complaints dropped from one a day to one a month. ”
Per Black & Decker ' s General Manager

Robin P. Bergstrom, Editor-at-Large Production Magazine

“ Flow Management Technology has helped countless companies replace chaos with order in directing their manufacturing processes, from order entry and raw material inventory through in-process production planning to shipping finished goods on time. ”
Stanley J. Modic, Editor-in-Chief Tooling and Production Magazine

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