Published Articles

Click on the links below to read several of the articles written by our President Itzik Kostika that were published as a leading column titled “Manufacturing Memo” in Tooling and Production Magazine

Get to the bottom of bottlenecks – Bottlenecks are just symptoms of larger problems

Setup reduction: does it yield lower cost? – When the setup time is reduced, the product cost is reduced, right or wrong?

Breaking out of the box – When small disruptions build up, it can cause a significant loss How just-in-time can backfire – As inventory levels decrease, the flow process is disrupted  

How just-in-time can backfire – As inventory levels decrease, the flow process is disrupted




White Papers

Click on the links below to read several White Papers written by BTM's professional staff

Improving Operational Performance in a Down Economy - To be successful in today's economic climate, it is vitally important that while a company is carrying out cost reduction efforts, it simultaneously undertakes improvement efforts that will enable it to improve productivity from existing resources. Written by Yaron Lew.

The Synergy of FMT and Kaizen - Every orchestra needs a conductor.  Similarly, every improvement program needs to be directed to ensure that efforts are invested in the right places.  Written by Ronald Landau and Yaron Lew

Focusing Lean Efforts in a Down Economy - Flow Management Technology is the best methodology for focusing improvement efforts to ensure that they lead to overall business improvement.  Written by Yaron Lew and Ronald Landau

Reducing Cost and Increasing Profitability in a Down Economy - How Flow Management Technology can help during tough economic times.  Written by Yaron Lew


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